An hour ago I was sitting on my back porch and a very young cardinal dropped from somewhere on my roof to the ground. It was more of a controlled plummet. Immediately my young rescued cat had the bird in her mouth, and I charged forward to scare Nopi into releasing it. The cardinal appeared to be uninjured, but it didn't seem in a hurry to fly away. I recognized this wonderful opportunity to photograph it from ground level, but had I gone into my house to get my Canon R5, I don't think it would have survived both my cat and my cocker spaniel. They both, I'm sure, would have just wanted to play with the bird, but that would have been catastrophic for the young cardinal. So, I took out my iPhone and used the wide angle lens mode for this shot. I then lifted the cardinal in my hands as high as I could, encouraging it to fly, and after a few seconds it took off and flew into the woods to safety. Upon close examination in Photoshop, there is a definite difference in image quality between my iPhone 13 and the Canon R5, but I'm still happy I got the shot I wanted.
Mar 17, 2024, 9:00:56 AM
Jim - Thanks, Linda. It's not easy to always have a large mirrorless camera at hand, but with an iPhone, it's always in my pocket.
Mar 16, 2024, 11:31:42 PM
Linda Purdom - Good catch, on both levels. I was told once in a photo class to always have a camera within easy reach. Seems your iPhone fills the bill, so to speak.